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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Sexual Nihilism and Civil Tyranny

Bonus Tracks
  • Jerry Falwell Jr. is denying a Reuters report that he retained the services of Michael Cohen to ensure the destruction of potentially embarrassing personal photos: "There are no compromising or embarrassing photos of me."
  • MassResistance warns that the Equality Act will “radically re-write the nation’s Civil Rights laws to force the homosexual and transgender agendas into the lives of every citizen, with oppressive penalties for those who refuse."
  • Star Parker likewise objects to the Equality Act: "Under the guise of civil rights, our public schools will be forced to teach this sexual nihilism as truth, and teaching the traditional values that have held the American family together will become an actionable offense. We’re talking about civil tyranny, not civil rights."
  • BarbWire says that the leak of Robert Mueller's letter objecting to Attorney General William Barr's effort to whitewash the special counsel report "should be investigated and if possible, the person prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for such a deliberate despicable act."
  • Liz Crokin is now selling QAnon-themed merchandise.
  • Finally, nothing will ever convince Chris McDonald that Donald Trump did not win the popular vote in 2016.