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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Revived Blasphemy Laws

Bonus Tracks
  • Intercessors for America has released a prayer for the midterm elections: "Let every wicked and evil politician be removed from office in these elections. ... Father, we ask for a miracle of the election of righteous leaders—a miracle of shocking proportions. Let the world wonder at the things You do this year on behalf of Your people who pray."
  • Andrew Torba posts on Telegram: "Since 1965 the White population in America has decreased by 35%. What, exactly, would you call that? Genocide."
  • Ali Alexander declares that "Ukraine is in alliance with every Satanic force known to The World."
  • Milo Yiannopoulos proclaims that "you will know America is serious about saving itself, and that it has absorbed the scale of the undertaking, when you see a president adding his signature to revivified blasphemy laws, which will prevent the open promotion of sedition, institute meaningful penalties for insulting, irreverent or contemptuous language about Our Lord."
  • Kandiss Taylor credits the Holy Spirit for giving her the boldness to call President Joe Biden an "illegitimate pedophile" during a GOP primary debate earlier this year. (Technically, Taylor called Biden a "fraudulent pedophile.")
  • Finally, Dalton Clodfelter says that Russian President Vladimir Putin is the only world leader for whom he'd be willing to fight and die: "I would say that the United States is the Great Satan."