MAGA pastor Mark Burns complains that the Department of Justice is "a Gestapo-like weapon" that is being used against former President Donald Trump and flat-out says he doesn't care what crimes Trump may have committed because "he's God's anointed."
Dalton Clodfelter admits that believes "in censoring our opposition."
Stew Peters' conspiracy theorizing is becoming increasingly predictable and lazy: "The moon landing was FAKE. Buzz Aldrin is FAKE. Buzz Aldrin’s mom is FAKE."
Sean Feucht is starting "a 3-day prayer and fasting movement in preparation" for his upcoming events in the Pacific Northwest because "it is #1 for witchcraft and demonic activity."
Finally, Republican Rep. Eric Burlison says that he was "red-pilled" by Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton years ago and declares that he wouldn't be involved in politics today had he not been exposed to Barton's work.