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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Opposing Their Biblical Worldview

Bonus Tracks
  • Scott Lively warns former President Donald Trump that if he attempts to compromise on the issue of abortion in hopes of "bringing a huge wave of baby-murdering women to the polls this November," then "you will set God Himself against you."
  • Tim Barton is "having a hard time wrapping [his] head around" allowing a "pharmacist to say that 'I am not going to fill a prescription because I don't like ivermectin.'" Presumably, Barton would not have a hard time wrapping his head around a pharmacist refusing to fill a prescription for things like birth control or Plan B.
  • Kandiss Taylor is not sure that she agrees that "liberals are the dumbest people on earth" because "there are [some] pretty dumb people who call themselves Republicans." You don't say?
  • Right-wing pastor Jack Hibbs played a video during his Sunday service urging congregants to sign a petition to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom because "he's in opposition to our biblical worldview." Hibbs then admitted that this is part of a strategy to derail Newsom's political aspirations.
  • Finally, Johnny Enlow proves that being a "prophet" is the easiest job in the world because when you repeatedly prophesy that Trump will be reelected and it doesn't happen, you just accuse the media of being "a false prophet" for not reporting the truth that "he was the winner."
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