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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Obama Is Always to Blame

Bonus Tracks
  • David Barton has nothing but admiration for the brilliant strategy that supposedly drives President Trump's use of Twitter.
  • Liz Crokin sees signs of the coming "storm" everywhere.
  • Peter LaBarbera is upset that Republicans are not attacking New Hampshire Democratic congressional candidate Chris Papas for being gay: "What's sad is even conservatives don't want to talk about this anymore. So if you can't talk about an issue, how can you actually defend your social position. If homosexuality is off limits now, how can you debate gay marriage? How can you debate the transgender issue if the media and the power structures are telling us you can't even talk about it?"
  • Randall Terry is still around.
  • The RNC is reportedly organizing a pre-election prayer call this week that is set to feature Ben Carson, Paula White, Tony Perkins, and Ralph Reed.
  • Finally, Barbwire's David Jolly thinks that Barack Obama is to blame for the recent deadly attack on a synagogue in Pittsburgh: "For eight years, Barack Obama promoted anti-Semitism, causing some to start asking if somehow, Obama bears some of the guilt behind Bowers’ attack on the Jews at the synagogue."