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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Obama Is Always To Blame

Bonus Tracks
  • Linda Harvey is not happy that Disney is selling rainbow Mickey ears: "If you want one-sided, unfiltered propaganda that implies that humans are born to commit grave sin that doesn't fit your body, often brings disease, and that God calls an abomination, then Disney is for you."
  • Robert Jeffress says that evangelicals who refuse to support President Trump "are so blinded by their own hatred for this president, and I think they're also blinded by their own pride, [that] they cannot admit that they were wrong in this election."
  • Despite the fact that Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen’s anti-Semitic views have been well publicized for months, One America News still booked him for an pathetic softball interview.
  • Brigitte Gabriel says that Trump is "doing exactly what he was predestined to do" by God.
  • Finally, the Family Research Council blames the Obama administration for the death of four American soldiers in Niger last October: "Readiness has been a major focus of this administration, and after eight years of Barack Obama, it's obvious that there's still work to do. FRC's Lt. General Jerry Boykin (Ret.), who once commanded the Army's Special Forces, can't help but think that the politically correct agenda of the last commander-in-chief is partially to blame. Thanks to the deep state leadership situation, there are still men and women inside the military demanding that these soldiers spend precious time learning about diversity and tolerance when they should be getting ready for battle ... These four men didn't die because they sat in a diversity lecture, but those are the kinds of distractions that detract from the real training our troops need."