Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Obama Is 'A Child Sex-Trafficking Satan-Worshiper'
- InfoWars is now promoting the fringe right-wing effort to pressure the authorities in Chappaqua, New York, to arrest Hillary Clinton.
- Barry Faber proudly declares his unrelenting support for President Trump: "Trump is my boy! Trump got to become my boy by my satisfying myself that his accomplishments border on the politically supernatural."
- Lance Wallnau has dubbed CNN the "Confused Nazi Network."
- Don Boys continues his anti-gay crusade against Pete Buttigieg: "Practicing homosexuals are people who were born heterosexual and are rebelling against the God-ordained plan for their lives."
- Finally, Liz Crokin worries about how those who supposedly worship Barack Obama will react once they "find out that he is a child sex-trafficking Satan-worshiper."