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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Nuremberg 2.0

Bonus Tracks
  • Stew Peters lays out his ideal political platform: "We need a candidate for president to run on a simple platform: round up Big Pharma, Big Tech and any politicians and/or global elites under American jurisdiction. Then Indict, Try, and Fry them at Nuremberg 2.0."
  • Paul Blair says that Christians "need to go on the attack" and start pressuring local governments to declare June to be "Biblical Sexuality Month" rather than LGBTQ Pride Month: "It's not by accident they stole the rainbow."
  • Lauren Witzke claims that whites are "the most persecuted people in America": "I have never been so scared to have white children in the future because I'm like this is only going to get worse."
  • Eric Metaxas appeared on the "Generations" radio show, which is a program hosted by far-right broadcaster Kevin Swanson.
  • Finally, Tyler Russell wants to see "a real America First Christian government" take power and "make devil-worshiping illegal": "How about if you worship Satan, you go to jail?"