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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Most Of The Country Is Completely Fed Up

Bonus Tracks
  • Corey Lewandowski says that "the Daily Beast shouldn't even be allowed to be a publication."
  • For some reason, President Trump continues to trash his own attorney general.
  • Glenn Beck is back to being furious.
  • Don Boys has a warning: "It will not surprise me to discover that for weeks many germ-carrying Muslims have been circulating throughout U.S. airports, trains and bus stations, and other crowded thoroughfares spreading deadly, highly contagious germs to an unsuspecting people. In fact, I will be very surprised if that does not happen."
  • Frank Gaffney wants Trump to fire National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster.
  • Andrew Bieszad declares that "if you want to love God, then as Jesus said, you will keep God’s commandments. Therefore, to love God is to love what God loves and to hate what God hates. The LGBT hates God, so they love what God hates and hate what God loves."
  • Finally, Linda Harvey fumes that Republicans won't pass anti-LGBTQ laws "even though most of the country is completely fed up with homosexual and gender rebellion activists, their demands, the deceptions and their negative on families and our culture."