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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Mossad's Front Man

Bonus Tracks
  • Jim Garlow spent yesterday on Capitol Hill, where he(link is external) met(link is external) with(link is external) congressional leaders and led(link is external) a Bible study.
  • Dave Daubenmire writes(link is external) that "we can no longer survive as a nation if we do not have system of Justice where no one is above the law. That includes Hillary Clinton and her wife Bill. As long as the two of them are walking the streets of America Lady Justice will be forced to hide her eyes."
  • Larry Klayman is mad(link is external) at Fox News for not covering any of his ridiculous(link is external) lawsuits.
  • Rick Wiles claims(link is external) that Jeffrey Epstein was actually a Mossad "front man" tasked with obtaining blackmail material that could be used against powerful Americans in order to merge the U.S. and Israel into one nation.
  • Finally, Liz Crokin says(link is external) that Barack Obama is a satanist who rapes and traffics kids, and worships Moloch.