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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Matt Walsh Was Dating a Dolphin This Whole Time

Bonus Tracks
  • Still struggling to explain away his false "100 percent guarantee" that the Republicans would retain control of the House in the midterm elections, Bill Mitchell is now insisting that losing control of the House "might have been the best play" for the GOP in preparation for 2020.
  • Why is Matt Walsh thinking about dating a dolphin?
  • Philip Zodhiates, who is scheduled to begin his three year prison sentence tomorrow for his role in helping former lesbian Lisa Miller kidnap her daughter and flee the country rather than allow her ex-partner to have contact their child, tells Bryan Fischer that he was targeted because he was "political enemy" of President Obama: "It was definitely collusion between the White House, the Department of Justice, and the pro-homosexual radical groups."
  • Right-wing Twitter users are placing three gold stars in their display name to indicate their support for Michael Flynn.
  • Rick Wiles insists that the reported plan to give Russian President Vladimir Putin a $50 million condo in a proposed Trump tower in Moscow was a CIA "sting operation" to set up President Trump.
  • Finally, ALIPAC's William Gheen asserts that U.S. immigration policy must be in accord with the Bible: "Heaven has walls, a gate, and a very strict immigration policy with extreme vetting. No one gets into Heaven unless their entire lives have been analyzed and they have been deemed worthy by the Lord in the Book of Life and enter. For us to imitate earth as it is in Heaven, the United States needs walls and borders, and very strict immigration policies to protect our citizens, [like those] embedded there in the Lord's Prayer."