If you have $100,000 just burning a hole in your pocket, Jim Bakker would love to sell youa coin, a booklet, two DVDs, an engraved brass plate, and a "Diamond Membership Card."
Tony Perkins declares that "Donald Trump is the best president Christians have ever had."
Finally, James Robison can barely contain his love for Trump: "President Trump and his family left their comfort to confront and stand up together against the force and fury of hell to help us, the American people. To help protect us from the deceptive, divisive, deadly, destructive forces against the church, against truth, the family and freedom itself. All the amazing signs of progress we have witnessed the last three years are a direct answer to the prayers of the faithful, faith-filled remnant who believe God cares for His people and keeps His promise to answer the prayers of those called by His name. Those who humble themselves with repentant hearts and ask Him to heal the land. Our Father is answering prayers."