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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Let The Mass Arrests Begin!

RWW Round Up
  • Jerry Newcombe has a word of warning to those opposing Brett Kavanaugh: "Those intent on destroying an innocent man’s life and family because they don’t agree with his politics act as if there is no God who will one day hold all of us accountable. But there is."
  • David Lane says that "anyone blessed with a little bit of insight will recognize that the battle in the Senate Judiciary Committee is of a spiritual nature. It is a battle between the false god of secularism and God Jehovah.
  • Frank Turek says that the left is to blame if Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford: "So why are leftists now outraged to hear that some teenage boy may have actually pursued sexual conquest as if it were merely a sport? They create and champion an environment that amps up youth to 'score' sexually and are then shocked when a youth may have actually gone too far in attempting to do so."
  • Mark Taylor announces that once Kavanaugh is confirmed, the mass arrests will begin.
  • Liz Crokin is likewise thrilled: "It’s our time! You are about to witness the most amazing revolution in all of human history."
  • Finally, Gordon Klingenschmitt has nothing but praise for Sen. Lindsey Graham's use of his "Jesus bullwhip" in righteous defense of Kavanaugh.