On his radio program today, David Barton praised President Trump for withdrawing the nomination of Chai Feldblum to serve a third term on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Trump never actually withdrew her nomination, which failed because it was blocked by the Senate.
Bryan Fischer says that it is no surprise that Rep. Ilhan Omar supports higher taxes because "Muslims are taught by their god and prophet that they have a right to plunder the infidel West."
Scott Lively, Peter LaBarbera, Stephen Broden, E.W. Jackson and other anti-LGBTQ activists have founded something called the Gone Too Far Movement and will be holding a press conference in Washington, D.C., next week to "challenge the attempt to hijack America’s Civil Rights laws with the pending Equality Act H.R. 2282 in Congress."
Ann Coulter, who once wrote a book titled “In Trump We Trust," is now calling Trump a lazy and incompetent "lunatic."
Finally, Dave Daubenmire says that if Jesus had been an athlete, he would have been a hard-nosed football player.