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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: 'I Don't Want to Take a Chance on Jesus'

Bonus Tracks
  • Josh Bernstein is outraged that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tore up a copy of President Donald Trump's State of the Union address: "Nancy Pelosi is an evil, sadistic, cold-hearted, jealous, vindictive bitch."
  • Jim Garlow says that Pelosi is "DEMONIC."
  • Chris McDonald proclaims that he "could have just slapped [Pelosi's] face."
  • Bryan Fischer asserts that Pete Buttigieg should never become president because he would be a terrible "role model for America's children."
  • MAGA broadcaster James R. openly admits that he'd vote for Trump over Jesus Christ himself: "I don't want to take a chance on Jesus. Hell no. I'm going to go over here with Donald Trump because he's a known factor."
  • Finally, Mike Heath declares that "sodomy is gross and disgusting. The idea of forcing it on innocent children is unspeakable evil. Strong enough words don’t exist in any language on earth to accurately describe this wickedness ... Faggots are maggots. Faggotry is maggotry. Faggotry is moral maggotry. "