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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Hope to God

Bonus Tracks
  • Steve Maxwell of the Remnant Alliance declares that "you better hope to God the Christian nationalists take this country over."
  • Shane Vaughn asserts that the Civil War could have been prevented if the federal government has simply agreed to purchase all the slaves in the South. This is the sort of argument made by someone with absolutely no understanding of history.
  • Steve Deace brought Joel Webbon onto his program yesterday to make the case for charging women who obtain abortions with homicide.
  • Stew Peters warns that soon "anyone deemed an 'antisemite' will be in a boxcar on their way to a concentration camp." That is kind of an odd statement coming from a Holocaust denier.
  • Finally, Charlie Kirk's attempt to prove that the United States was founded as a Christian nation is not nearly as clever as he thinks it is: "If the Founding Fathers were not Bible-believing, church-attending Christians, why did they put Leviticus on the Liberty Bell?" The Liberty Bell was commissioned in 1751, decades before the American Revolution and the drafting of the Constituion, and when most of the Founding Fathers were young men or not even born.
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