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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Honoring D-Day

Bonus Tracks
  • It is the 80th anniversary of D-Day and antisemites Nick Fuentes, Dalton Clodfelter, and Jon Miller are recognizing it by celebrating the Nazis.
  • Elsewhere, Fuentes reveals that his passion for former President Donald Trump is waning: "I am totally apathetic about the outcome in 2024. I just don’t care. Should Trump win? Sure, I guess. Whatever. I can’t fake excitement or enthusiasm for a movement that is out of ideas and will be inherited by an administration full of cucks."
  • David Barton claims that, historically, political "partisans" largely shared the same values, principles, and worldview and simply differed over the details. If he really believes that, then he is an even worse "historian" than we ever imagined.
  • Speaking of terrible historians: Dinesh D'Souza.
  • Finally, MAGA pastor/Trump-endorsed GOP congressional candidate Mark Burns is pretty sure that the Rapture will happen within his lifetime, claims that Christians are being bullied in America, and then declares that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other members of "The Squad" should be "in chains, held for treason."
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