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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Hillary Clinton Is Literally Satan's Daughter

Bonus Tracks
  • Josh Bernstein says that Hillary Clinton is "literally Satan's daughter."
  • Linda Harvey says the best way to protect children from sexual predators is to remove them from public school: "This is where official 'grooming' of children—preparing them to accept molestation when it happens—is becoming business as usual."
  • Bob Maginnis explains how secret societies like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers control the world.
  • Jennifer Roback Morse says that "conservatives who think Big Business is on their side need to wake up. Corporate America is committed to supporting the Sexual Revolution. Do not be naïve about this."
  • Finally, Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Coalition is demanding that Democrats stop "openly mocking Christians for offering their prayers, support, and guidance" in the wake of the Texas church shooting and exploiting "these victims to push radical gun laws that wouldn’t have prevented the attack in the first place."