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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Go Back to the Middle Ages

Bonus Tracks
  • Lance Wallnau declares that "environmentalists are crazy": "They are more fanatical than Al Qaeda. ... They're under the control of demons."
  • Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin wrote a piece for his Daily Stormer website about white nationalist streamer Jared Noble's absurd attempt to blackmail GOP Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka into paying him $100,000 to keep him from "exposing" that she's "in a race-mixed relationship." Noble promoted Anglin's piece—which is filled with vile, racist attacks on Tshibaka and her husband—on his Telegram account.
  • Dalton Clodfelter spent 45 seconds tying himself in knots attempting to defend his comments in praise of bullying, then claiming he was taken out of context, then insisting that he is not a white nationalist, then acknowledging that he is, before admitting that he's racist only to immediately try to pretend that he was just kidding.
  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is, at this point, nothing but a full-time taxpayer-funded right-wing troll.
  • Finally, Nick Fuentes lays out his vision for America where contraception, fornication, homosexuality, and pornography are illegal and women can't go to school or vote, and are burned at the stake for being witches: "We want to go back to the Middle Ages."