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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Fossil Fuels Prevent Sexual Assault

Bonus Tracks
  • Rick Perry explains how expanding the use of fossil fuels will help prevent sexual assault.
  • The things that NewsBusters considers to be proof of media bias is fascinating.
  • Dave Daubenmire says that Christians must take back America by taking back the language: "'Gays' are sodomites. 'Affirmative Action' is white male discrimination ... 'Social justice' means advancement of homosexuality."
  • Several Religious Right leaders, including Tony Perkins, Jerry Boykin, Jim Garlow, Michele Bachmann and others, recently flew to Egypt to meet with President al-Sisi.
  • Finally, the Family Research Council prays for the upcoming elections: "May God's people rush to the polls and vote their biblical values. May God intervene in the elections in New Jersey, Virginia, Douglas County, Colo., Charlotte, N.C., and every jurisdiction with elections this year!"