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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Forcing White Christian Men Into Hiding

Bonus Tracks
  • Star Parker says that the rainbow flag and the Confederate flag "represent the exact same thing."
  • Carly Fiorina will be the keynote speaker at next month's Log Cabin Republicans 40th anniversary celebration, which is being held at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.
  • Lee Duigon is outraged that the decent protesters in Charlottesville were smeared by the media and attacked by "leftid storm troopers who showed up armed with clubs and looking for trouble."
  • Don Boys says that "Nelson Mandela was a Black terrorist" who should have been executed.
  • Finally, Dave Daubenmire declares that "everything that is going on down in Charlottesville is to try to get the white Christian man to shut his mouth and go into hiding."