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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Fasting And Prayer For 2024

Bonus Tracks
  • Kenneth Copeland's Eagle Mountain International Church is launching a "call to fasting and prayer" for the 2024 election: "The 2024 elections are fast approaching. We know the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. But the Word says to catch him, rebuke him, resist him, bind him and cast him out. Through this fast, we will be strengthened in the weapons of our warfare, standing fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, allowing no devil to steal our freedom."
  • Scott Lively warns that "it is no accident that statues of Baphomet are being installed in cities around 'Christian' America at the same time America's children are being indoctrinated with the Luciferian religious hostility to 'binary sexuality.'"
  • Stew Peters, who once compared providing free rides to get COVID-19 vaccines to sending people to death camps, attacks Taylor Swift for having supposedly compared people who refused to take the vaccine to Nazis (we can find no record of Swift saying anything like that, by the way.)
  • Elijah Schaffer celebrates Black History Month by being racist.
  • Finally, Christian nationalist Mark Gonzales claims that "two-thirds of our Founding Fathers were ordained ministers" who founded the Constitution and Bill of Rights "on scriptures straight out of the Bible." None of that is true.
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