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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Everything Is a Win For Trump

Bonus Tracks
  • Rep. Steve King is hoping to use the lame duck session of Congress to pass the radical Heartbeat Bill.
  • Ken Cuccinelli does not appear to have high hopes for the next session of Congress: "Mitch McConnell is a natural surrenderer, and we will see that reassert itself as the Democrats come into the House."
  • Regardless of the development, you can always count on CBN's David Brody to spin is as a win for President Trump.
  • Jim Garlow suspects that "corruption" was responsible for Gov. Scott Walker's loss in Wisconsin yesterday.
  • Finally, Liz Crokin is done with Fox News after the network accurately predicted that Democrats would win control of the House before all the polls had closed and all the races had been called: "Fox New covered up Pizzagate!"