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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Don't Get Caught

Bonus Tracks
  • Mario Murillo declares that "the people of Florida feel more reassured with Ron DeSantis at the helm during a hurricane, than Americans feel with Joe Biden in any weather. ... The November election is not a choice between two parties. It is a choice between good and evil. And a chance to go from groaning to rejoicing."
  • White nationalist Vincent James is outraged about Lizzo playing a flute owned by James Madison: "If James Madison knew that Lizzo would one day blow her chunky chitlin greased spit into his crystal flute, he would have had a totally different opinion on slavery."
  • Jenna Ellis claimed that Lizzo "is basically famous, I think, for being one the most morbidly obese people in the world" and said of the Madison flute playing: "This is just desecration purposefully of America's history."
  • Self-proclaimed Christian "prophet" Julie Green said God told her Rep. Jerry Nadler and Klaus Schwab (chair of the World Economic Forum) will die soon.
  • Shane Vaughn told his viewers they can never abandon Trump: "You're on the side of the anointed of God ... Donald Trump is God's eagle that is getting ready to fly again."
  • Finally, Ali Alexander encouraged people to vote for Doug Mastriano: "In fact, if you can find a way to secretly vote twice—no, I'm just kidding. But am I? Don't get caught."