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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Demonic Anointing

Bonus Tracks
  • Chris McDonald says that, without exception, he has the same reaction every time a Democrat opens their mouth: "I feel the weirdest sensation come over my body and it's like a demonic anointing."
  • Rick Wiles announced that his TruNews conspiracy theory network has once again been invited by the White House to cover the World Economic Forum.
  • E.W. Jackson says that the "Democrat Party is a moral sewer. They revel in profanity, filth and degradation. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Dirty on the inside, dirty on the outside."
  • Intercessors for America is not happy that Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema was sworn in using a copy of the Constitution instead of a Bible: "Pray that her eyes would be opened to the truth of the Gospel."
  • Finally, Kenneth Copeland says that he prays for President Trump every time he hears his voice on the news "and over a period of time, I fell in love with the man."