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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Demoncrats

Bonus Tracks
  • E.W. Jackson tells Black voters in Virginia that they are selling their souls to the devil if they vote for Terry McAuliffe or any other "Demoncrat" in today's election: "It is time to escape the degradations and the depravity of Sodom and Gomorrah."
  • Wendy Rogers tells voters in Virginia to cast their ballots for Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin and "make General Lee proud."
  • God has been speaking to Glenn Beck, prompting Beck to urge his audience to start collecting physical copies of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers, and "The Founders' Bible," a version of the Bible mixed with essays by right-wing pseudo-historian David Barton.
  • Robin Bullock claims that COVID-19 vaccines are designed to condition people to eventually get microchips implanted in their brains as part of the Mark of the Beast.
  • Finally, Joshua Feuerstein says that men of God with "big orange pumpkins hanging between their legs" must resist vaccine mandates instead of being the sort of "sissies" who "would have bent over and taken it from Hitler right up the backside."