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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Brownback And The Prayer Warriors

Bonus Tracks
  • Dave Kubal of Intercessors for America reports that he "and other prayer leaders had the privilege of praying with Ambassador Brownback at the State Department" yesterday.
  • Tom DeLay says liberals are talking about gun laws after the school shooting in Florida because they’re "scared to death that they’ll have to discuss our culture, families breaking up, illegitimate births, the fact that we kicked God out of the public square."
  • Jerry Newcombe declares that the Parkland shooting shows that "we are reaping what we have sown by essentially disallowing God in the schools."
  • NOM is encouraging activists to sign its petition thanking Betsy DeVos for "protecting the safety and privacy of all our children by reversing the dangerous policy of the previous administration that sought to open intimate and private facilities like locker rooms and bathrooms in our nation's schools to students of the opposite biological sex based upon their claimed gender identity."
  • Finally, the Massachusetts Republican Party changed its rules yesterday so that the party will not have to provide assistance to anti-LGBTQ activist Scott Lively's gubernatorial campaign.