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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: An Easter Prayer

Bonus Tracks
  • Even on Easter Sunday, Hank Kunneman couldn't make it through his sermon without ranting about "this fake administration that we call president."
  • An Easter message from Patrick Howley: "This Easter, I sincerely pray that unrepentant Jews who push so much anti-White propaganda learn to embrace Jesus Christ and turn away from the New World Order they are carrying out. Jesus was willing to die to show us the Truth. Let's hope you see the Light."
  • Mario Murillo is hosting a series of prayer meetings and he has big plans: "We will win more souls to Jesus in the next month, than we have ever won in any 30-day period. We will also see more healings. This will be the greatest month in the 50-year history of our ministry. I will not be surprised if God rocks the medical community. I will go even one step further. This month will be the greatest impact our ministry has ever had on America."
  • Jackson Lahmeyer promises that if elected to the U.S. Senate, he'll introduce "The Millstone Act" to cut off funding to "any school district in America that teaches critical race theory or woke sexuality."
  • Finally, Chuck Pierce prophesies that the United States will soon split apart: "I only see a maximum of 23 states aligning ... God showed me a capital arising out of San Antonio."