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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: 'America Must NOT Influence the World to Embrace Homosexual Sin'

Bonus Tracks
  • Jerry Falwell Jr. insists that President Trump is "a good moral person."
  • Lance Wallnau issues a dire warning: "And who does not know that this same spirit of intolerance cannot wait for the winds of sentiment to change so they can corner any of you for preaching 'hate' when you preach the Bible? What’s holding these forces of anarchy back? The grace of God, a fragile thing called 'the first amendment' and a friend in office called Donald Trump. And trust me, it’s fragile system right now because vindictive Leftists have control of media, Hollywood, academia and have hijacked the politics of the Democratic Party ... You think evangelical florists and bakers and photographers weren’t a warm up act for other Christians in other professions? Anyone who does not bow the knee to the Progressives Baal will be thrown into the lions (sic) den eventually."
  • Rick Wiles' prayers get results.
  • Jan Markell urges Trump to name Michele Bachmann the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
  • On a related note, Gordon Klingenschmitt is urging conservative Christians to contact the White House with the following message: "Please do NOT appoint the openly homosexual Richard Grenell as Ambassador to the United Nations. America must NOT influence the world to embrace homosexual sin, and picking Grenell sends the wrong message."
  • Finally, "weather warrior" Kat Kerr is ordering Hurricane Michael to downgrade, produce no storm surge or damage and turn back out to sea.