E.W. Jackson wants to see a line added to the First Amendment stating that "the mere acknowledgement or accommodation of the Christian culture of America shall not be deemed an establishment of religion."
Dave Daubenmire was recently booted off a United Airlines flight for refusing to wear a mask, and he's handling it well: "Muslims do not have to remove their face coverings; why should Christians have to put them on?"
Brian Burch of Catholic Vote warns that "a Biden presidency represents an existential threat" to Catholics and the church.
Rick Wiles is upset that President Donald Trump is pushing for a COVID-19 vaccine because he says they were told back in 2016 that Trump is an anti-vaxxer due to concerns that "his son Barron has autism because of a vaccine."
Finally, Sheila Zilinsky declares that Bill Gates is "a vaccine-pushing eugenicist who wants mass depopulation. ... The man should be locked up. In fact, I'm all for the death penalty for this murderous sociopath."