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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: ALL CAPS!!!!!!!!

Bonus Tracks
  • David Barton has the gall to claim that "being a progressive means never having to say you're sorry because they get stuff wrong all the time and they never admit it." This is pretty rich coming from Barton, who has built an entire career on getting stuff wrong and never apologizing for it.
  • Shane Vaughn declares that the election in Ohio that amended the state constitution to protect reproductive rights was "ILLEGAL!": "THE BRILLIANCE OF THE FOUNDERS understood that WICKEDNESS would run in the MASSES whereas VIRTUE would run in the MINORITY, and as such - you can't allow an UNRIGHTEOUS majority to RULE a RIGHTEOUS MINORITY. Anyone who supports abortion is UNRIGHTEOUS !!!! The masses are UNRIGHTEOUS - so, in their BRILLIANCE, they did away with DIRECT DEMOCRACY and created something so much better...... WHY IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY - did the PEOPLE get to decide DIRECTLY what the LAWS of their state would be? In a REPUBLIC - the PEOPLE do not DECIDE the laws --- their REPRESENTATIVES DO !!!!"
  • Jim Daly says House Speaker Mike Johnson is "a victim of anti-Christianism": "The great irony unfolding in the national conversation is that just as most people rightly condemn the antisemitism raging on college campuses and elsewhere, an abiding anti-Christianism is going mainstream with a rise in attacks on the new speaker of the House."
  • Isabella Riley Moody asserts that "any 'man' who respects a woman’s opinion is a homosexual." Ironically, since Moody is a woman, no man should respect her opinion on this in the first place, right?
  • Finally, Charlie Kirk fumes that pastors who support Black Lives Matter are "introducing an unclean spirit from Satan into the church."
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