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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Totalitarian Show Trial

Bonus Tracks
  • It took more than a week, but former Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin finally conceded defeat to his opponent, Democrat Andy Beshear, in last week's gubernatorial election.
  • Charlie Kirk is now participating in Christian nationalist David Lane's "Renewal Project" events, aimed at convincing pastors to mobilize their congregations to get more involved in politics.
  • Brenden Dilley says that we here at Right Wing Watch "are insane" and claims that we have "called the FBI" on him a dozen times. That is news to us.
  • Mark Taylor explains that the black eye former president Jimmy Carter received as a result of a recent fall is really a sign of his allegiance to the Illuminati.
  • Finally, David Horowitz declares that the impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump is just like "what the Russians did": "This is a totalitarian show trial that they're conducting against Trump. They hate him; they've wanted to impeach him since he was elected; they organized a coup d'état at the intelligence services. It's now like Star Chamber proceedings, just like the Inquisition."