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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Satanist Attack on Christians

Bonus Tracks
  • James Dobson warns that "it's not an overstatement to say that our constitutional republic, as we've known it, is hanging perilously by a very thin thread."
  • The Media Research Center is attempting to mock progressive billionaire philanthropist George Soros for being a "cheapskate" for refusing to pay $8 a month to get a blue check mark on Twitter.
  • Andrew Anglin tells his male followers that "a woman can't love you back because she doesn't have a soul."
  • Ali Alexander vows that he will be "suing over false claims made about me publicly" related to the allegations that he has a history of seeking sexually explicit material from underage boys.
  • Finally, Edward Szall and Lauren Witzke defend Andrew Lester, the elderly white man who shot Black teenager Ralph Yarl, with Witzke predicting that she'll soon have to flee the country because white people are under attack.