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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Lament For CPAC

Bonus Tracks
  • Sen. Mitch McConnell announced that he will step down from his leadership position in November.
  • Radical Christian nationalist Bill Cook met with Virginia Lieutenant Gov. Winsome Sears yesterday.
  • David Keene, a former chairman of the American Conservative Union which produces the CPAC conference, laments what has become of the annual event: "We were open to conservatives with widely differing views but kept the kooks out. A Jack Posobiec would have never been invited then. But this year, there he was on the main stage, and those attendees who visited the exhibitors would find the John Birch Society. The conference has become a show with no debates or differences allowed, and its organizers control the agenda top down instead of co-sponsoring up. They have redefined conservatism, and many of the traditional conservative organizations have left for other venues.Today’s CPAC is for admirers of former President Donald Trump only — unbelievers are quietly or not so quietly disinvited."
  • Tony Perkins explains his opposition to IVF: "Just because science enables us to do something doesn't mean we should do it. We should be concerned about both the means and the ends of where this would lead us and it needs to be guided by biblical truth."
  • Finally, what happens when you elect a Christian nationalist pastor like Dusty Deevers to a seat in the Oklahoma state Senate? You get lectured about how pornography is a tool of Satan and must therefore be outlawed so that people "can be set free" and give their lives to Jesus.
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