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A Daughter of Lies

Bonus Tracks
  • Glenn Beck did a segment(link is external) on "How to DEPROGRAM your friends from the anti-Trump CULT" and never once(link is external) seemed to realize that every characteristic he listed applies directly to members of the Cult of Trump.
  • KrisAnne Hall declares(link is external) that the American population is deeply polarized "because the Democrat Party has become full-on communist."
  • Ben Zeisloft wants to see(link is external) public executions.
  • Asked about his statement(link is external) that he'd choose a White doctor over a Black one, Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon insisted he's not racist and blamed(link is external) the left: "Wicked people, Marxist people instituted DEI and it set our country back in race relations about 80 years. I put the blame squarely at the feet of the left."
  • Finally, Trump-loving evangelist Mario Murillo claims(link is external) to have received a word from God that Vice President Kamala Harris is "a daughter of lies" and that the nation will not survive if she becomes president: "We will not come back from this."
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