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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 9/8/14

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin is being guided by Satan, according to a leader of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
  • Jesse Lee Peterson says anti-gay business owners should agree to provide services to gay customers, but only after telling them that they will use the money from the sale to make a donation to anti-gay legal groups.
  • The National Organization for Marriage's John Eastman is confident that the Supreme Court will not "strike down thousands of years of history and the laws of 35 states, and say the Constitution, that doesn't speak to this question, somehow mandated that every state redefine its institution of marriage."
  • Bryan Fischer claims that Wendy Davis "is pro-life at the core of her conscience and is either blind to that plain fact orrefuses to admit it."
  • Finally, Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall has written a post on the Family Research Council's blog blasting Cardinal Timothy Dolan for not objecting to the decision to allow a gay group to march in the St. Patrick's Day Parade: "As society continues to disregard what America’s Founders wrote about the laws of Nature and Nature’s God, the moral fabric of our nation is disintegrating to the point of becoming thread bare, unable to hold together even the most basic values upon which our nation was founded. For a Church authority to embrace politicalcorrectness at such a time will have consequences which extend far beyond the parade route."