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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 9/7/16

  • Dennis Prager explains(link is external) that "leftism is a terminal cancer in the American bloodstream and soul. So our first and greatest principle is to destroy this cancer before it destroys us. We therefore see voting for Donald Trump as political chemotherapy needed to prevent our demise."
  • The American Family Association of Kansas and Missouri, which has been fighting(link is external) for years(link is external) to remove a “sexting” statue from an Overland Park, Kansas, arboretum, has had its latest effort dismissed(link is external) in court.
  • David Lane warns(link is external) that "Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis' imprisonment last September was just the warmup for our posterity, especially if our nation elects Hillary Clinton as the 45th president of the United States."
  • Richard Viguerie(link is external) "noted the sad irony of [Phyllis] Schlafly dying just two months before the 2016 election. 'Somewhat like Moses, although she had seen the Republican Party adopt in her words "the most conservative platform ever" and she was unapologetic in her belief that Trump would finally realize her vision and break the kingmakers, Phyllis would not live to see the campaign she inspired win.'"
  • Rob Chambers says(link is external) "Christians are being unbiblical when they say they are personally opposed to homosexuality but think it’s morally permissible for others. These Christians are really saying they are OK with homosexuals denying God and seeking pleasure in self and going down a path of destruction."
  • Finally, BarbWire's Gina Miller declares(link is external) that "the militant homofascist movement is a tool used by the enemies of God, truth and freedom to intimidate into silence those who love truth and hold right, moral views on marriage, family and human sexuality. The primary targets of this vile movement are Christians and Christianity, because that is the essence of the true battle being waged on earth. It is a spiritual battle, playing out in the physical realm, between the forces of Satan and God."