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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 9/29/14

  • Tom Minnery of CitizenLink says(link is external) that Religious Right groups are urging people not to vote for Republican candidates who support marriage equality to send the GOP a message that "social conservatives are people who will not be taken for granted."
  • Rush Limbaugh and Chuck Norris think(link is external) that Eric Holder resigned in order to position himself for a Supreme Court nomination.
  • The Foundation for Moral Law, started by Roy Moore, is joining(link is external) the right-wing campaign to demand that Justices Elena Kagan and Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse themselves from any case involving marriage equality.
  • Republican congressional candidate Zach Dasher stands by(link is external) his statement that atheism was partially responsible for the Sandy Hook massacre: "These children that were killed in Connecticut were made for a purpose and to be honest with you even the killer himself was made for a purpose he was made in the image of God. But somewhere along the way he believed what the atheist says. He reduced humanity to nothing more than a collection of atoms to be discarded like an old banana peel.”
  • Finally, "Coach" Dave Daubenmire is furious(link is external) about efforts to "effeminize football" and "effeminize manhood" by harping on the Ray Rice domestic violence scandal: