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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 9/20/16

  • Sylvia Thompson states that she will not "listen to the garbage from the Left when they praise the 'LGBT community' as though it is a blessing to society. Donald Trump, as President, will certainly have to ensure protection for all Americans as he declared he would. True Christian leaders, however, must make it clear to him true believers will not succumb to the anarchists’ insistence that we be forced by law to accept their behavior."
  • Bryan Fischer seems to have taken to referring to us as the "alt-left."
  • Cindy Jacobs declares that "in order to see that righteousness exalts our nation, we have to vote. Prophetically, I believe we are at a tipping point ... We have to look at the candidates, even though there are flawed, and vote for the ones that will establish righteousness for the unborn, fight against poverty and racism and biblical, foundational truth. God is not for a political party. They are all flawed. However, there are certain candidates who will fight for our religious freedoms and biblical values such as life in the womb."
  • Gary Cass has released his latest video: "Reason #2 Why Hillary Clinton is NOT a Christian."
  • Finnaly, Wayne Allyn Root says that "liberals are sick people" and liberalism "is a mental illness."