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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 9/12/16

  • Glenn Beck says that 9/11 was "the morning our nation's childhood died."
  • Right-wing activist Philip Zodhiates is set to go on trial next week for his role in helping "ex-gay" Lisa Miller kidnap her child and flee the country.
  • Theodore Shoebat has some thoughts about Hillary Clinton: "Besides everything else that she is, her evil springs from her being a heretic. That is the bottom line. This is why back in Christendom, they used to burn heretics and witches at the stake."
  • Jan Markell says that "ISIS is literally praying every day that Hillary Clinton would win this election."
  • Finally, Bryan Fischer warns that "while God is a patient and forgiving God, there are limits to what he will endure. I don’t know how much more of America’s flagrant sexual debauchery God is prepared to tolerate, but it’s best for us to repent before we find out."