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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 8/3/16

  • Back in April, NOM vowed to defeat three Missouri Republican lawmakers who refused to support legislation that would have sanctioned anti-LGBT discrimination in the name of "religious liberty." Last night, one of those three Republicans was defeated in the GOP primary and NOM is taking credit.
  • Newsweek reports that "for all [Donald Trump's] boasting of his acumen and flaunting of his wealth, the self-proclaimed billionaire has often been a lousy businessman."
  • Don Boys longs for a politician who will declare "as to homosexuals, I promise to never call them 'gays' but homosexuals, perverts, or sodomites. That is not hatred but good, standard English. Those terms provide a perfect understanding of the point of discussion and do not bow to the political and incorrect use of 'gay.' Whoever first called homosexuals 'gay' either did not understand what “gay” meant or did not know anything about homosexuality."
  • David Whitney says that Democrats are "so devoted to this Satanic vision they intend to force every nation in the world to comply with it through the means of bribery of those other governments with U.S. Foreign aid and Foreign policy to promote sodomy."
  • Finally, a proclamation from John Piper: "The supernatural monster who orchestrates the kidnapping, enslaving, and thousand-fold drugging, selling, raping, and killing of girls around the globe is the same one who has masterminded the murderous cultural delusion — from the highest court to the lowest porn-flick — that the practice of sodomy is delightful, not deadly."