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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 8/27/15

  • Donald Trump loves the Bible so much that he doesn't even want to talk about it because it is just too personal.
  • "This is the time I was born for," says Glenn Beck.
  • There is a pretty obvious "explanation for the reason we weren’t able to find Saddam’s nukes": He buried them in the desert and now they're going to be found by ISIS and used against the U.S. Thanks, Obama!
  • Ted Cruz brags that 'if you look at Donald Trump's immigration plan, many of the elements of that plan are directly from legislation that I've introduced in the Senate and that I've been fighting for."
  • Finally, Erik Rush says that if communists had simply been murdered en masse back in the 1920s, everything would be fine today:
  • Now, I’m not even going to pretend to be objective here; remember, I’m the guy who said that the federal government, the states, organized militias – someone – should have taken it upon themselves to cut down communist marchers with tommy guns en masse back in the 1920s, that communism should have been banned outright, and that comprehensive counterintelligence programs should have been implemented to quash the advancement of any person or organization even remotely evidencing communist or socialist leanings. Had these things occurred, America would not at this very moment be teetering on the brink of totalitarian collectivism with a cabal of subversive radicals at the helm. "