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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 8/26/16

  • Bryan Fischer helpfully explains that “God has not called us to be nice” because “nice people are weak.” 
  • William Gheen says that if Trump “diverges” on immigration, then Nativists like himself “will be his worst enemy.” 
  • Paul Hair warns that the “Obama regime is using the U.S. Department of Agriculture to evangelize deviancy in traditionally traditional rural America.” 
  • Kent Bailey writes the “moral bankruptcy of Hillary Clinton is a bottomless pit, but it graphically illustrates how secular legalism and post-Christian “morality” are the driving forces behind America’s regressive march back to the primitive, godless and pagan roots of humanity.” 
  • Day Gardner of the National Black Pro-Life Union thinks black voters are under a trance: “It's infuriating that in this high tech day and age, many of my black brothers and sisters are of a 'stepford' mentality, sleep walking in a politically robotic-like existence. I want to shake them and say, wake up, smell the roses and the coffee! Stop voting for the same old politicians while hoping for different outcomes—face it ... it's not working!” 
  • Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission declares that Hillary Clinton has embraced “a heretical liberal theology”: