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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 8/19/16

  • Things seems to be going swimmingly for Donald Trump's campaign: "Trump on Friday announced that campaign Chairman Paul Manafort had resigned."
  • Americans United for Life claims that “the majority of the pro-life bills considered in the 2016 sessions” of state legislatures reflected the policies it put forward in its model legislation.
  • Gary Cass has a question: "If God has ordained men to lead and a woman masquerading as a man by wearing pantsuits is still a woman, why isn't Clinton automatically biblically disqualified to be President? ... According to the scriptures we are under judgment when we have 'women and children' ruling over us (that would also include effeminate and immature men)."
  • Diane Gramley of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania says that if Trump loses the state, it is because of voter fraud: "Four years ago in the last presidential election, Mitt Romney in several precincts in Philadelphia did not receive one vote - which really is an impossibility if it was on the up and up. There is a lot of support in Pennsylvania for Donald Trump. So for him to lose, I would attribute that to voter fraud."
  • Finally, Jim Bakker recently gave Alveda King a year of survival food and she did not seem particularly thrilled by the gift.