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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 8/18/15

  • Some helpful advice from Michael Youssef: "It is time for those within the homosexual movement to reassess their fight against Christians and evangelicals. And more importantly, it is time for them to seek to know the Savior. By coming to the Savior with repentance and faith—just like the rest of us have done who have come to the Savior—He will have mercy on them and deliver them."
  • Phyllis Schlafly fumes that the "Army favors gays over patriotism."
  • Janet Porter says that "Governor John Kasich must either support the pro-life Heartbeat Bill or quit calling himself pro-life."
  • FRC is joining the anti-Planned Parenthood rallies this weekend.
  • Finally, Todd Starnes will be honored as the "National Hero of Faith" at Vision America's annual gala next month.