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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 8/10/16

  • Gary Cass has some thoughts on the Olympics: "Is it politically incorrect to lament there isn't an Olympic Scimitar event so the Muslims could have a chance to win at least one medal? The closest we got was an American Muslim chick wearing a hijab who lost at fencing. Muslims apparently like swords."
  • Frank Gaffney accuses Ahmed Mohamed, who was arrested after bringing a homemade clock to school, of committing "political warfare" on behalf of "Islamic supremacists."
  • John Neihof takes to the AFA website to declare that "we often say that God will punish our nation for our sins. True. However, His judgment is already upon us. Sterility is judgment. It is not so much that God will punish us with some future grave punishment for our abandonment of His design. We have embraced divorce. We have embraced cohabitation. We have embraced illegitimacy. We have embraced the auto-erotic sterility of pornography. We have embraced same-sex marriage. We have embraced sterility socially, biologically, and spiritually. Our nation has abandoned the virtuous blessing of reproduction. We have welcomed God’s judgment! Abortion, same-sex marriage, transgender... The curse of sterility is a self-imposed curse we have embraced, and called it good. Ours is a self-imposed curse against nature."
  • The Christian Post says that "Evangelicals should not vote for Hillary Clinton."
  • Linda Harvey wonders "How many unborn children died the day Cecile Richards spoke to an adoring DNC?How many middle and high school children this year will be deceived into believing they were born homosexual? Or born in the wrong sex body? And many will never hear another viewpoint, or learn they can turn away from these destructive behaviors.These are the real victims in today’s America."
  • Finally, Scott Lively issues a call to arms: "What will make America (and Europe) great – and safe – again is assertive, resolute, paternalistic and decidedly masculine Christianity. It’s time for the church of Jesus Christ to 'man up,' throw off the shackles of political-correctness in all of its forms, take back the culture from the atheists, libertines and radical feminists, and set an example of strength and order."