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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 7/8/15

  • Oklahoma Gov. Marry Fallin is vowing to fight a state Supreme Court decision ordering the removal of a Ten Commandments monument from the statehouse grounds.
  • Mark Shepard declares that "those who mock the very creation of man, by openly parading unnatural, destructive, unbounded sexuality in streets, legislative bodies and courts, have stolen that very symbol and use it to represent defiance against God."
  • Dan Delzell says that "it is ironic, and yes even tragic, that President Obama would choose to light the White House with a rainbow after the recent Supreme Court decision. It was his loud and proud way of celebrating the sin of same-sex marriage. Obviously, the president doesn't seem to believe that the Old Testament stories of Noah's Ark and Sodom and Gomorrah were actual events in history."
  • Bart Barber warns that "the advocates for the sexual revolution are quickly taking us back to first-century Rome."
  • Finally, Bryan Fischer once again says that people speaking languages other than English in America is a sign of God's judgment: "God may not need to judge America by confusing our language. We're doing a pretty good job of that all by ourselves. Or perhaps, this is the way a sovereign God is bringing his judgment on a land that has turned its back on him."