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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 7/5/16

  • It is nice that BarbWire's executive editor Tami Jackson is keeping track of all the people that Hillary Clinton has had killed &#8212 47 so far. 
  • The Family Research Council says that the judge who blocked Mississippi's "religious liberty" law has a "religious animus against the people of Mississippi."
  • For $50, Janet Porter will fax your outrage to every Target store in the nation on your behalf. Do people even use fax machines any more?
  • David and Jason Benham come rushing to Donald Trump's defense and say that he should not be faulted for his silence on the issue of abortion.
  • Finally, it looks like Bradlee Dean has no qualms about reposting Theodore Shoebat's calls for gay people to be put to death: "This is indoctrination, worthy of being punished under the law – worthy of death I should say ... They are all twisted in their souls, no different than Nazis. The sodomites want to reshape society to where every child will be forcefully brainwashed into homosexuality and into conforming to this perversity. These people want to revive and Sodom and Gomorrah. We will not submit to this vile perversity!"