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Right Wing Bonus Tracks 7/23/14

  • Ben Carson is "starting to think" about running for president.
  • In even better news, Michele Bachmann is insisting "there's a chance" that she might make another run for the White House.
  • The downing of a Malaysian jet over Ukraine last week is a sign that America had better get right with God, says Alex McFarland: "We've got to stop murdering three thousand babies a day in abortion mill. We need a president and elected officials that not only will follow the American rule of law but the law of God and stand for marriage, and not the sodomy and immorality that's been foisted on the America people by a 45-year marketing campaign called the gay agenda."
  • One Million Moms vs Black Jesus.
  • Finally, Gordon Klingenschmitt wants us to know that he is the one who is in the mainstream "and part of the hip culture"!