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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 7/14/14

  • Matt Barber declares(link is external) that "all pretense has been dropped" as the "Left moves to outlaw Christianity."
  • Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad has signed a proclamation(link is external) calling for prayer and repentance that was put together by Bob Vander Plaats.
  • Anti-choice activists want(link is external) a Catholic hospital to fire three doctors because those doctors provide abortions, even though they are not doing so at the Catholic hospital. Just remember that the next time the Religious Right starts screaming about "persecution."
  • Liberty Counsel plans to distribute(link is external) 150,000 DVDs encouraging pastors to get involved in politics before the November election.
  • Pamela Geller says(link is external) "Obama wants the jihadists to win. There can be no other conclusion. Obama is unabashed in his anti-Semitism. Shocking. Creepy. Evil."
  • Finally, John MacArthur says(link is external) that gay-affirming Christian denominations "have no relationship to scripture, they are the apostate church, they are Satan’s church.”